Lauren Kruglinksi
Lauren Kruglinksi is from Gardiner, New York and has been a part of DL community since 2008. She was treasurer for the team for the 2009-2010 season and went on to captain the team in the fall of 2011.
Nickname: Krugs
Major(s): International Studies
Years she played: 2008-2012
Preferred position: Cutter/Popper/Cup
Favorite Throw: IO Backhand
Pump-up jam: ***Flawless and Freedom by Beyonce and Hypnotize by Biggie
Favorite frisbee moment: Recruiting newbies as a captain.
Where is she now?:Urban farmer in Philadelphia, avid biker, attending University of Pennsylvania for Nonprofit Leadership, married to a migratory bird.
Lauren's advice: If you want to learn to be a handler, always pick up the disc when you're playing mixed - men are dumb. Do not study with your teammates in the library, you won't learn anything. Form a Wildwood team!
Nickname: Krugs
Major(s): International Studies
Years she played: 2008-2012
Preferred position: Cutter/Popper/Cup
Favorite Throw: IO Backhand
Pump-up jam: ***Flawless and Freedom by Beyonce and Hypnotize by Biggie
Favorite frisbee moment: Recruiting newbies as a captain.
Where is she now?:Urban farmer in Philadelphia, avid biker, attending University of Pennsylvania for Nonprofit Leadership, married to a migratory bird.
Lauren's advice: If you want to learn to be a handler, always pick up the disc when you're playing mixed - men are dumb. Do not study with your teammates in the library, you won't learn anything. Form a Wildwood team!