Laura Perkins
Laura Perkins, also affectionally known as the Hamburglar, played for the DL from 2007-2011. She went on to co-captain the team with Shino Yoshen during her senior year (in 2011). The Hamburglar is currently managing at an ESL school in Rosslyn, VA and plays violin in a cover band with DL's former coach: Owen Williams.
DL Nickname: Hamburglar
Major/Minor: International Relations and Spanish
Years on DL: 2007-2011
Preferred position: Defense
Pump-up jam: I would do anything for love by Meatloaf
Where is she now?: "Managing at an ESL school in Rosslyn; playing violin in a cover band with former coach Owen Williams."
Favorite DL moment: "Post-practice supper at Bizzarro!"
Laura's advice: "Stay golden, Ponyboy."
DL Nickname: Hamburglar
Major/Minor: International Relations and Spanish
Years on DL: 2007-2011
Preferred position: Defense
Pump-up jam: I would do anything for love by Meatloaf
Where is she now?: "Managing at an ESL school in Rosslyn; playing violin in a cover band with former coach Owen Williams."
Favorite DL moment: "Post-practice supper at Bizzarro!"
Laura's advice: "Stay golden, Ponyboy."